- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Antifa terrorists brought their puny selves to a Fort Collins Colorado Veterans suburb

These Antifa punks received the treatment all communists will get from America’s veterans. We do not fear them and we will defeat them. Millions are coming together and organizing at the neighborhood level to defend our lives and property.

For you communists in our government, we will defeat you, one by one, even if it takes 50 years and several generations.

We know you Communists think you are winning, but you’re not. We won’t ignore that you are supported by the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, we are organizing even more around the cold war the CCP has forced upon us to mobilize the whole of the U.S. Government against you. We defeated the Soviet Communists and we will ensure the United States of America leads the free world to defeat the Chinese Communist Party and its American collaborators. Don’t believe me? Our efforts have already begun.





This piece was written by Col. Rob Maness on August 9, 2020. It originally appeared in RobManess.com [3] and is used by permission.