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[VIDEO] Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Sinks to New Unthinkable Lows With His Latest Anti-Trump Stunt

Trump-hater Neil Cavuto is a helluva lot worse than diva Shep Smith ever was.

The reason why is that Cavuto portrays himself as a “conservative.”

He’s not. He likely calls himself a “libertarian,” but in reality he’s liberal.

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Shep’s anti-Trump hysterics were expected. Cavuto is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

And nowhere was that more evident than with Cavuto’s latest anti-Trump stunt.

It was a doozy.

Cavuto cut away from President Trump’s speech in order to “fact-check” Trump’s (correct and righteous) attacks on Obama.

But Cavuto didn’t stop there…he actually had the audacity to DEFEND Obama – as if Trump was some monster who was spouting fake facts about a brilliant America-first former president.

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Here’s what he said:

“It was not a disaster under Barack Obama, not only did the Dow essentially triple, but … Americans did very, very well.”

It was literally the lowest of the low.

You can watch the video below:

Cavuto is a traitor and he should be shunned by every single American patriot who despises globalism, communism, and tyranny – everything Obama and the Democrats stand for.

Obama and Biden destroyed the middle-class with their globalism and America Last agenda.

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How dare a so-called “conservative” like Cavuto suggest Obama’s economy was “good” for America.

Cavuto’s ratings should literally be circling a toilet bowl.

There is no reason why anyone who supports Trump and his America First agenda should be watching the “Mitt Romney” of Fox Business.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on July 17, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [6] and is used by permission.