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Report: Convicted Pedophile Anarchist Arrested for Stabbing Black Trump Supporter in Portland

The media is telling us that these protests are “peaceful” and the loving Americans participating just want “equality.”

The lying liberal media refuses to show the violence happening and report on the beatings and attacks and hate that’s coming from this communist insurrection.

And if there weren’t social media, nobody would know any different – you’d believe this “peaceful protest” nonsense form the fake news propaganda media because you wouldn’t know any better.

That’s why when we see these pieces, we race to get them to you – after all, the only way we win this information war is by spreading information and truth.

This incident I’m about to tell you about involves an Antifa anarchist who is also a convicted pedophile, and who was just arrested for stabbing a black Trump supporter.

MORE NEWS: Peace-Loving Black Trump Supporter Was Shot Dead Just Hours After Giving a “Pro-Trump” Local TV Interview [1]

His name is Blake David Hampe and he was arrested in the wee hours of Saturday morning in downtown Portland for stabbing a Black man that goes by “Black Rebel.”

You can watch the video from Black Rebel after the assault:


Rebel says Hampe and his other Antifa goons followed him, when Rebel confronted the group, Mr. Hampe stabbed Rebel with a knife that Rebel said was “long enough to kill him.”

From Post Millennial  [2]

Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake David Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter in Portland.

The Trump supporter and conservative, who goes by the name Black Rebel on social media, posted several updates to his condition from the ambulance and hospital. In the Periscope livestream, he alleged that Hampe had stalked him and his group of friends for several blocks in Portland before stabbing him.

Black Rebel stated that Antifa militants doxed his identity and posted his location on social media and advised each other to “watch out” for him.

“That knife was long enough. He stabbed me to kill me,” said Black Rebel, who says that he spotted Hampe, who was part of a group of Antifa following his group of friends for several blocks before he approached Hampe to ask why he was following them.

“We were all out there, four triends, trying to keep each other safe in the best way possible. I figured I’d try to de-escalate and just have a conversation,” he said. “I went over there, said ‘what’s up buddy?’ and that mother**ker went around and shanked me in the f**king kidney.”

Here’s the video of Hampe’s arrest:

Hampe has been charged with felony assault.

Post Millennial [2] looked into Hampe’s background and discovered that he’s also a convicted pedophile. He was previously indicted on charges of knowingly possessing child pornography in 2007 by the US District Court in Maine. During the 2007 arrest, the court document states that officers from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection who performed a search of his vehicle discovered “a lot of merchandise for children” including sleeping bags, children’s stickers, children’s underwear, children’s towels with superhero prints, and packages of trading cards—alongside 12-15 condoms, lubricant, a camera, a cellphone, and a laptop.

Sounds like a real winner, doesn’t he? This is the “peaceful” protesters the media tells you about. Communist pedophiles – the “backbone” of the American dream according to CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of lying liberal media.

This piece was written by Missy Crane on July 25, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [5] and is used by permission.