How can Joe Biden’s family allow this to go on?
It’s so cruel and heartless. We’re literally watching elder abuse unfold before our very eyes.
That’s exactly what James Woods is suggesting and he wants to know where the heck is Jill Biden – does she not care about her husband, who looks like a bumbling fool every day?
Woods tweeted out Biden’s latest video – which is just a mess top to bottom – and he pointed out that this is outright cruelty.
He’s right.
Here’s what Mr. Woods said: “Where is his wife? Does she not care? It’s outright cruelty.”
You can watch the video below:
Where is his wife? Does she not care? It’s outright cruelty. [2]
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 9, 2020 [3]
Now, the left is pushing hard to make sure that Biden does not debate President Trump.
They know if all of the American people see the two of them one on one, it’s really “game over.”
A growing movement on the left to stop presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden from debating incumbent President Donald Trump seems to coincide with a growing inability by the nominee to speak coherently and make any sense.
On Wednesday, Biden participated in a virtual conference hosted by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and well, his participation wound up generating multiple clips of him seemingly rambling on without really saying anything.
This man should be in his jammies, at home, under a blanket, not trying to be the next President of the United States. It’s just shameful that his friends and family would allow this ghoulish torture to continue.
It’s also absolutely laughable that the media and Dems are seriously trying to say that this Demenita-riddled man is ahead in the polls.
It’s absurd, and everyone knows it.
The media is trying to “manufacture” a victory and they’re not going to be able to do it.
This piece was written by Missy Crane on July 9, 2020. It originally appeared in [5] and is used by permission.