We called this a while ago….Dems next move would be to try and impeach William Barr.

And here we are now…

From now until election day, Dems will be throwing very bit of poop they can scrape up at the wall, just to cause chaos and see if anything sticks.

They’re desperate…which is kind of amusing, because if the polls showing Biden SOARING ahead of Trump were real, they’d be relaxed and setting the “tone.”

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That’s not the case – they’re a total mess.

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And speaking of messes…Rep. Steve Cohen was shaking like leaf as he introduced the impeachment inquiry against William Barr.

His hands were trembling nearly the entire time.

That doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, now does it?

You can watch the video below:

Ironically, he wasn’t shaking when he ate his fried chicken like a ghoul on the House floor.

It’s hard to tell if he’s sick, with maybe Parkinson’s (my mom has Parkinson’s and she shakes) or it’s just time to share a high-ball with Nancy.

Either way, Barr is over the target and Dems are so scared, they’re SHAKING…literally.

This piece was written by Missy Crane on June 30, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.

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