Marxism and the liberal left go way back.
People wonder how the Dems have ended up where they are today – what happened to all the “Blue Dog” or “Reagan Democrats” – those sensible Dems who oftentimes aligned themselves with conservatives on taxing, spending, and social/family issues? Where did they go?
Well, most are Trump supporters now, would be my best guess. There certainly isn’t much of a place for “sensible working-class Americans” in the crazy-ass Democrat Party.
Back in the days of Reagan, the progressive Marxists of today were there, but compared to today, they were on the fringe. They were “radicals” and their message was not at all mainstream like it is today.
But over the years, while shunned from mainstream society, these types quietly took over academia and Hollywood and they grew stronger over time and molded many young minds along the way and eventually their loud “mob voice” took over the “Blue Dogs” and drown them out, and here we are.
It’s far more complex and nuanced – but that’s the “Cliff Notes” version.
Pro-Trump actor Robert Davi wrote a truly captivating piece on Regan and Marxist Hollywood and also what we’re dealing with today with the communist left, and how that moment facing “Marxism” actually transformed Regan into a staunch conservative – whereas today, the communist left actually scares Republicans and they cower and capitulate.
Everyone’s afraid of being called a “racist,” everyone is scared of the MOB.
But Reagan never took a knee, he stood up to the Marxist mob of his time – it’s just a shame that Republicans didn’t follow his lead throughout the years…if they had we might not be in this mess that we’re currently in.
From Breitbart [2]
We are currently “besieged by subversives who are not inhibited by traditional moral constraints and are willing to practice deceit and even violence to further their ideological cause.” This statement by Dinesh D’Souza was in reference to Ronald Reagan’s years in Hollywood. It’s as frighteningly relevant today as it was in the 1940s.
Many do not understand that in the 1940s, Hollywood was a hotbed for the Communist Party in America. Their infiltration was one of the reasons Ronald Reagan transformed from a “bleeding heart liberal” to a conservative giant.
It was during this time that Ronald Reagan realized the Marxists had designs for America. This was the transformational year for Reagan, where he morphed from bleeding heart liberal to conservative. Reagan experienced firsthand that the antifascists were the fascists. They would not accept any thought unless it would further their agenda. Like the radicals today, calling themselves ANTIFA. The hypocrisy is absurd. They should be called Profasci.
The communists spoon-fed Hollywood stars. And they ate it up. Despite seeing Joseph Stalin’s reign of death from forced famine to mass executions, The Hollywood elite turned a blind eye to the truth. In 1946 there was a meeting at Ida Lupino’s house. Lupino wasn’t a communist but lent her home for a meeting of Hollywood elites. These elites were used by the left then as they are today. Actor William Holden told Reagan about this meeting. They both went.
Now imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there, listening to leftist speakers spew their propaganda, knowing what they were really after. Several times during the evening, Reagan, the young lion, wanted to pounce and speak truth to the crowd. But he was held in abeyance by Holden, who waited for the right moment. Finally, Holden said go. Reagan leaped to his feet and began speaking. The fascist left shouted him down. It was actor John Garfield who said “let him speak! He deserves to be heard!”
Reagan continued to speak, while John Garfield was taken to the back and berated by actor Howard Da Silva. It was here and other similar meetings where Sterling Hayden saw the power of Ronald Reagan. To understand what we’re seeing today, we must understand that Ronald Reagan faced down the same violent radicals 70 years ago. The difference is
Reagan went into the belly of the beast. And there is no one today who will challenge the Hollywood elite because to do so; you must be more adept and well-versed then they are. And then there’s the fear of intimidation, threats, loss of livelihood or life.
There were threats to Reagan’s life back then. He was provided with security. Do you realize just as today the Marxist used coercion blackmail, violence, racism, and lies to bring Hollywood elites to their knees? The difference is, Reagan refused to kneel. And most of Hollywood hated him for it. Today we do not have someone with Reagan’s understanding of Cultural Marxism. Most do not know what it is. Meanwhile, the cultural marxism leftists, from the Washington Swamp, academia, and the mainstream media, slowly transforming Western civilization into a culture and economic Marxist nightmare
Davi goes on to explain that right now we’re witnessing the lefts relentless attack on every institution of Western Culture, from schools, literature, art, film, to Judeo-Christian world view, every tradition, marriage, the nuclear family, and sexual mores, national sovereignty, and even more.
Mr. Davi says what we are witnessing and experiencing today has been in the works for decades and the reason it’s happening is because the Republican Party let it happen.
He says the GOP, who should have been “harbingers for America,” were complacent…and he’s right.
I encourage you to read the entire powerful article here [2].
This piece was written by Missy Crane on June 26, 2020. It originally appeared in [3] and is used by permission.