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“I am a public figure, and I find this humiliating.” That is how the traffic stop of former Florida morning news anchor Farron Salley went down a couple of years ago. She was eventually arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.
Her attitude ruined the whole thing, had her 2019-2020 Honda had its auto on, and she was just apologetic, she would’ve been on her way.
The result of this traffic stop is that Salley was allowed to return to her anchor desk job, where she made an on-air apology. She and the network station WPBF mutually agreed that she would resign two months later.
Just so that everyone knows, these sobriety tests are not pass-fail, they are to gauge the fluency of movement, however subtle they may be. Her movements were not fluent. They were jerky.
They indicated impairment. Many of these people defending her didn’t pick up on how she said the wrong words several times. She said she was on a different street; she counted wrong numbers, she said sentences that do not make sense, etc.
The officer indicated that her breath smelled of alcohol. Smelling of alcohol means you have a pretty high BAC if alcohol is secreting through your lungs to the point of smelling it. Her friend even said they both had a few drinks, so she even lied about the one drink. The reason the investigation was so long was to gain evidence from all types of comprehension and motor function tests.
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He wasn’t messing with her; he even told her how many tests there were going to be before starting. She was drunk. Just as there are functioning alcoholics, there are coordinated drunks. If she were innocent, she wouldn’t start crying and apologizing. She would want to take a breathalyzer to indicate that she was sober. Alas, she refused.
Her being an entitled, condescending jerk, had nothing to do with it. Although they can, sober people usually don’t refuse breathalyzers. To top it off, she played the “racism” card after it all went down. Seeing how she acted, it does not surprise me that she refused to take accountability.
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Even though charges were dropped (clearly because of her position because she could have easily been charged with refusing a breathalyzer), she was fired because of her condescending, rude, and unprofessional conduct as the face of a network.
The network probably also believed she was a drunk, and potential liability. She needed a reality check, and I hope she got one. Bragging about degrees, and acting like you are better than people around you is not a good look for any company. Hopefully, she learned something from this, but from her actions afterward, I am assuming she didn’t.
This piece was written by Wayne Dupree on May 3, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.
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