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[VIDEO] Interview Resurfaces of Joe Scarborough Laughing and Joking About His Dead Intern

You’ll recall a couple of weeks back, President Trump opened a pandora’s box on globalist nut-job, Joe Scarborough, when he brought up the death of one of Joe’s young female interns who died suspiciously in his congressional office.

The young woman’s name was Lori Klausutis and there’s always been a cloud of suspicion that surrounded her death. She was only 28-years-old when she died and even though she had no known “heart issues” according to her family, it was ruled that she had heart failure and fell, hit her head on the desk, and died.

You can read more about the mystery here [1].

Scarborough later accused President Trump of torturing the Klausutis family with his recent taunts.

Of course, Joe is a hypocrite, as we all know, but this unearthed video from 2003 really showcases that hypocrisy, where Scarborough can be heard laughing and joking about his dead intern.

You can watch the video below:

If you ask me, this is far more “tortuous” than President Trump asking for his intern’s death to be investigated.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on May 16, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.