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[VIDEO] Ice Cream Shop Owner Closes Down After Reopening — Customers Disrespected Employees

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An ice cream store owner is closing his doors days after opening them during the COVID-19 reopening trial after customers treated his employees with disrespect and vulgar language. It takes a special kind of person to yell at a 17-year-old kid over ice cream. Hard to imagine that anyone could be so horrible.

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Anyone using profanity and getting aggressive over ice cream has anger issues and a low IQ. We all have to be patient, follow the rules, and get used to a new normal. The real problem is and will be that most won’t listen to and heed instructions.

We are taught in school that we have rights, but we are not taught the other side of the coin — responsibilities. Whatever happened to respect?

I was afraid this is how people would react when “let out” again from confinement. These people should be ashamed of themselves, and I hope the collective “we” WILL do better moving forward.

Retail stores like this should realize that when they first reopen, there will be a high percentage of those folk who are angry that “their freedoms were taken away” during the shutdowns. These can be dangerous people, irrational people. Safety precautions should be taken.

Respect businesses and their employees. Opening up with restrictions is going to be the new normal until there’s a vaccine, assuming the Covidiots get one. Get used to it.

This piece was written by Wayne Dupree on May 10, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.

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