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Dixie D’Amelio, 18,  claims she is getting death threats for supporting our sitting president? That’s the thing with some liberals; they want to bring down anyone they disagree with even if it means they bring the country down with them.

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Her account came under fire on Tuesday when a fan tweeted a snapshot of a photo taken in 2017. The image (above) shows someone playing a keyboard in front of a wall that is decorated with an American flag and three Trump-Pence signs.

The pressure was too much, and she addressed her millions of followers to distance herself from anything that is Trump and Republicans.

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[Daily Mail] Influencer Dixie D’Amelio has revealed that she has been getting death threats after her old photo of a room with Trump-Pence campaign signs on the wall resurfaced online.

The 18-year-old, who has more than 23 million TikTok followers, came under fire on Tuesday when a fan tweeted a picture that was shared on her VSCO account in 2017. The image shows someone playing a keyboard in front of a wall that is decorated with an American flag and three Trump-Pence signs.

‘UMMMMMMM,’ the person wrote, prompting Dixie to deny it was her room. ‘Bruh this isn’t even my house lmaoo,’ she clapped back.

Dixie and her younger sister, Charli, rarely talk politics, and many commenters pointed out that she never denied being a Republican or a Trump supporter in her response.

‘Girl you posted it for a reason,’ one person tweeted, while another commented: ‘Girl u dad a republican why lie.’

The TikTok star’s father, Marc D’Amelio, ran as a Republican for the Connecticut State Senate in 2018 but lost to the incumbent, Democrat Bob Duff.

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It’s a shame that Americans can’t support our Trump without getting death threats! What kind of country do we live in? Oh, yea, we live in a free country that gives us the right to do so without being threatened! So if you don’t support Trump, fine.. but a lot of us do! Take your threats, whines, and cries and keep them to yourself.

I remember back in the day before Trump became president, everybody loved him on The Apprentice. Politicians were asking him for money and wanting his endorsement.

Liberals are the most stupid people in the world. Listen, lady, don’t cower to these lunatics call the authorities, and I mean real impartial cops and have these threats investigated. Pres. Trump is the only person that was never a politician, and he was never a lawyer.

All I hear is bad things about the guy every day, but as I said, everybody loved him before he became president.



This piece was written by Wayne Dupree on May 8, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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