A lot of the animosity aimed at the Michigan Democratic Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, comes from her arbitrary executive orders that are not consistent, nor are they based in any kind of science or data.
She had closed greenhouses and construction, outside businesses, but let more confining inside businesses remain open. Her orders don’t allow AA meetings, but people can buy alcohol and pot. You could take your boat on a lake but not use the motor. WHAT???
She seems to like issuing executive orders for the sake of doing so. She has about 80 right now concerning the COVID-19 crisis. To know what’s going on in the state, you’d have to print all 80, throw away the ones she rescinded and re-wrote in order to figure out what the heck is going on. It’s a lot of reading.
The state continues to be on lockdown even though the “data” she is supposed to be relying on is looking good. The hospitalizations have been more than cut in half since April 10th when there were 3636 inpatients in Michigan hospitals and 1582 in critical care, 1441 on ventilators. The information from May 14th shows 1256 inpatients, 532 in critical care and 440 on ventilators. The statistics for Michigan can be seen on the state’s website here.
The percentage of positive tests since April 10th has gone down from 14% to 6% in the state.
Availability of bed space, PPEs and ventilators looks more than adequate. All of the graphs on the state’s website show that we are looking good for pretty much every metric. We have definitely flattened the curve but that is beyond the recognition of the governor.
Because Whitmer has locked down the state based on what is happening in three counties in southeastern Michigan, many businesses across the entire state are still closed, we can’t get the medical treatment we need for ourselves or our pets, and we can’t associate with anyone outside of our household for any non-approved reason. She refuses to open the state regionally as suggested by the Michigan legislature which she ignores.
One of most heinous things that the governor and her attorney general have done during this whole crisis is to go after 77-year-old barber, Karl Manke, who opened his barbershop against their wishes because he has to earn a living.
They have went after him relentlessly, issuing citations and edicts for him to close and badmouthed him in interviews. He currently has his licensed suspended and went to court on Friday. They are doing their best to make an example of him so the rest of us peons understand their unlimited powers and that we are not to defy them.
Meanwhile, there is an alternative men’s lounge for gay, bi and trans men that is just 2.4 miles away from the governor’s mansion that is still open called Club Tabu. I can’t find any of the governor’s executive orders that this establishments would fall under in order to remain open but I don’t see them getting any citations or license suspensions.
Why are they open but bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, arcades, theaters and other entertainment establishments are not? Is it because it’s a gay business and Whitmer has to keep her LBGTQ constituency happy?
Why the inconsistency, governor?
I don’t think there is much social distancing going on considering their website talks about dark mazes and areas that “creates privacy for anyone who would like to have their meeting with utmost discretion.”
People are going there for “parties” almost all day. They are open 10 am to midnight Sunday through Thursday and 10 am to 4 am Friday and Saturday. The fun hardly ever stops. Lots of people, lots of interaction.
If they weren’t allowing interaction, why would anyone go there? Because, sorry, but men aren’t known for talking and having deep meaningful conversations with strangers.
In doing research for this story, I called to verify that they are still open, which they are, but I wasn’t able to make contact with any managers for comment. I wanted to find out why they think they can remain open and ask what COVID-19 protocols they have put in place but their website shows that they are no fans of the media.
Their rules say that if any members disclose information about Tabu to any members of the media, they will lose their membership privileges and will not be allowed to return. So what actually goes on in this place is anyone’s guess.
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However, don’t you think the governor should send some people over to investigate it at the very least? It’s only a six minutes drive from your mansion, Big Gretch. Pretty easy to find.
Nope. Not interested. She’s concentrating on 77-year-old barbers.
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