Why is it the left always places much-needed community services on the chopping block when their mismanaged budgets fall through?
Yet, somehow they can always scrounge together enough money for illegal aliens.
That’s precisely what’s happening now in California, as they run out money thanks to piss poor management.
Progressive globalist Governor Gavin Newsom says if he doesn’t get federal aid the first people not to get paid will “first responders.”
This is the threat he’s using to try and persuade President Trump to fork over more bailout money to the poorly-failed sanctuary state.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Sunday said approving coronavirus relief funding for state and local governments is “not charity” and that his state is facing budgetary concerns as a “direct result” of the crisis.
“It’s a social responsibility at a time when states large and small [ are] facing unprecedented budgetary stress. It is incumbent upon the federal government to support the states through this difficult time,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Newsom said lawmakers have a “moral and ethical obligation” to help Americans across the country.
“I hope they’ll consider this next time they want to salute and celebrate our first responders … consider the fact that they will be the first ones laid off by cities and counties,” Newsom said.
“This is not a red issue or a blue issue. This is impacting every state in America,” Newsom added.
You can watch the video below:
CA Gov. @GavinNewsom says his state’s budget deficit is directly related to the coronavirus pandemic and federal funding should not be looked at as charity, “when it’s fundamental purpose of government is to protect people’s safety and to protect their well-being.” #CNNSOTU pic.twitter.com/9XpDngudxV
— State of the Union (@CNNSOTU) May 17, 2020
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But Ted Cruz has a much better idea.
Instead of laying off the first responders, why not lay off the politicians?
Why not lay off the politicians? https://t.co/9G57j6zVoO
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 18, 2020
If Newsome can find millions to funnel to illegal aliens, he can find the money to pay his first responders.
This isn’t a “COVID-only” issue; California has been mismanaged and going broke for eons now.
These smarmy politicians are now using the virus to line their pockets and balance their broken states and it’s unfair to the rest of America who doesn’t fund illegals and criminal activity with tax dollars.
This piece was written by Missy Crane on May 21, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.
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