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[VIDEO] Social Media Users at Wits End Over Latest Goofy Medical Staff “Tik Tok Video” …Gone Too Far?

There is a growing debate in this country over the endless stream of medical “Tik Tok” videos that are pouring out during the Corona crisis.

In case you live under a rock and haven’t seen one of these videos, they usually include medical staff dancing in synch to a song.

Many folks like these videos – they say that they’re a way for overworked medical staff to blow off steam and stress.

Critics point out that most hospitals are closed or operating with a skeleton staff, not to mention that a huge number of medical professionals have been furloughed and many people’s surgeries and treatments for aliments other than “coronavirus” have been placed on hold.

RELATED: WATCH: Viral Video of Dancing Hospital Staff Receives Major Blowback from Angry Americans [1]

Many believe the videos are “fun” and offer a lively uplifting moment for people bogged down in the misery of all-things “coronavirus,” while others feel this is not the time to be posting goofy vanity videos while people are sick, scared, and losing their livelihoods.

Either way, as someone who closely monitors the “vibe” across all social media, I can tell you that there’s a growing negative consensus against these videos as Americans grow more scared about their futures and their children’s futures and the numbers of dead keep being readjusted lower and lower.

This latest video seems to be the straw that broke the camels back, for whatever reason. Take a look:

“At this point, these health workers are trolling us.”


“They show no respect for the situation we are in, they show no respect for the NHS, they show no respect for patients and those that should be patients stuck at home and they have completely lost my (and many others) respect. Grow up.”


“Have to agree here. The previous ones, fine, fair enough… but this is borderline crossed into a mockery of the whole situation. Aren’t the beds in high demand then? Wasted PPE…”

“Glad to know beds are in high demand. Questions must be asked about the closure of cancer wards while they have time to make tik toks”

“What the hell are they trying to prove? Who do they think is interested in their childishness? There’s a global pandemic, people are dying, people have lost jobs, businesses and livelihoods. Those people don’t feel much like larking about. Have some respect for them.”

“Apparently this is the tired, hard working personnel ‘having fun’ or ‘relaxing’. I just find it pathetic. There seem to be many hours of planning and rehearsal in a lot of these acts too…”


The Coronavirus has created many debates in this country. People argue over these videos and whether or not to reopen the country. It’s not shocking though, we went into this a divided nation and we’ll come out likely more divided.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on April 21, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [5] and is used by permission.

Read more at WayneDupree.com:
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