Democrat gunslinger James Carville said Wednesday on MSNBC that Republicans will literally “kill people” in order to stay in power.
“My kind of mission in the short-term is to sound the alarm to say [that] Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court—they’re going to do everything they can to hold onto power,” Carville said.
He continued his acting performance, “This thing in Wisconsin [the election go ahead as ordered by the Wisconsin Supreme Court] was one of the most awful things I’ve ever seen in my life. The extent that they will go to hold onto power —it was all about one Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin— they will kill people to stay in power, literally.”
One mistake there, Jim: You just inadvertently admitted your boys tried to stop the election because of a potential GOP win in that race.
And then his grand finale. “I am totally, totally unimpressed by President Trump’s political powers. I have absolutely no fear. What I do fear is what you had in Wisconsin where they try to muck with the election and stop people from voting. But if we go to post in November with anything close to a level playing field, it’s going to be a Democratic wipeout. People are not going to vote for four more years of this.” Annnd cut!
I was a political consultant during the height of Carville’s fame in the 1990s. I had a chance to be in his social orbit more than once. Let me tell you, the guy is sharp. He’s also a Marine. Jim Carville is one of the best political field generals this country has ever produced. But the biggest factor in deciphering his ploys? He is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Clintons. Every time he opens his mouth, Hillary okays it. All of DC knows this and interprets his words accordingly. Thus, what’s he up to?
He’s too astute to believe what he told the gullible cretins at MSNBC. Carville is intentionally underplaying President Trump’s strength. That’ll hurt Biden’s chances if he takes the analysis to heart. But, to what end is Carville doing that? Hillary is too old to pick up the pieces after a Biden loss. Isn’t she?
Well, Hillary is 72. Biden is 77. So four years from now Hillary will be about the same age Biden is now, and he’s just proven Democrats will nominate a person of that age. Ergo, that’s what Carville is up to.
This piece was written by David Kamioner on April 10, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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