If you’re wondering if the Dems are enjoying this savage destruction of our economy, wonder no more.

#Squad member AOC took to Twitter where she literally celebrated the crashing oil prices, which is one of the worse signs that the economy is crashing.

And as a so-called  “economics major,” AOC should know that.

In her glee, AOC responded to a tweet talking about the tanking oil prices, which are now so low, they have to PAY people to take the barrels. That’s how low demand is right now. It’s devastating economic news.

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AOC celebrated, saying “You absolutely love to see it.”

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She then went on to say that this was the right time for a “worker-led”  mass investment in green infrastructure.

What is she talking about? Nobody is working and our economy is collapsing and this communist fool wants us spending money we don’t have on solar panels?

The tweet is so incredibly stupid, I can see why she deleted it.


Besides how dumb this tweet is, what’s really shocking is the communist tone. Not even a tone. It’s straight-up communist. AOC is doing China’s biding right now.

This woman – and many others just like her in the Dem party are thrilled that this economy has crashed. They couldn’t be happier at the destruction of the middle class and all of America.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on April 20, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.

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