By Missy Crane | March 7, 2020

Bernie Sanders is having some serious issues with his base.

His base is coming under fire for being rude bullies.

Elizabeth Warren is leading the charge against the “Bernie Bros” who have been attacking anyone on the Democrat side who doesn’t support their dusty old communist.

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The fake news media has jumped on the story and is pushing the Democrat establishment talking point that Bernie’s supporters are a problem and that he’s responsible for his followers.

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In all fairness, many of Bernie’s supporters are radical commies and many of them are also part of the Domestic terror group “Antifa.”

However, things got even worse for Bernie when a rally-goer (supporter?) unfurled a Nazi flag at a recent event.

Needless to say, this kept the “Bad Bernie Bros” in the news cycle, and of course, Elizabeth Warren was right there ready to pounce.

You can watch the video below:

You almost have to wonder if he was a plant sent there by the Dems to try and capitalize on the negativity surrounding Bernie’s supporters.

The timing does seem a bit suspicious and the “Nazi” attack is definitely a favorite among the Democrat establishment – Lord knows they’ve been calling us “Nazis” for four years now.

Either that or maybe it was a person who dislikes Jews? Either way, it keeps the “Bernie supporters bad” story in the media.

This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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