Love him or hate him, you’ve gotta admit…President Trump has some great zingers.

He was in rare form during a recent press conference where he referred to the State Department as the “Deep State Department,” when he was introducing Mike Pompeo.

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Dr. Fauci found Trump’s frank humor so amusing, he can be seen trying to suppress laughter, then covered his face to regain his composure.

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Of course, reporters were frantic after Trump made that comment, with some question Pompeo if it’s appropriate for the president to call it the “Deep State Department.”

There are also leftist-pundits who are theorizing that Dr. Fauci was actually “embarrassed” by Trump’s joke and that he put his hand to his face in frustration.

Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was seen covering his face with his hands when Trump referred to ‘the deep state,’ which is a term used for a clandestine shadow government operating behind the scenes of American politics.

Trump made the comment while introducing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during his Friday coronavirus press briefing. [Metro UK]

These people clearly need to study body language.

It’s painfully obvious that Dr. Fauci was more amused than irritated at Trump’s jab at the “Deep State.”

This piece was written by Sophie O’Hara on March 21, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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