By Missy Crane | March 4, 2020

There’s something very wrong with Joe Biden.

His mental fitness is not there. He’s looks and sounds like someone suffering from dementia.

Biden reminds me of my grandmother who had dementia. She had moments of lucidness, where you’d think she was totally normal, but then you’d remember that she was sick when she’d forget where she was, who she was with, mix up her memories with dreams and create these “wild stories” that never happened. She’d always be at a loss for words, and couldn’t remember what simple words meant.

She started slurring a lot as well. It almost sounded like she was drunk, but the woman had never had a drop of alcohol her entire life.

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It was hard to watch. But we loved those moments when she seemed “with us.”

I see the same thing happening with Biden.

Another thing that my grandma did that I see Joe do, is lash out and lose her temper. She was almost “childlike” in a way, where she couldn’t control her emotions anymore and she would have these odd angry outbursts.

All of these same things I saw my grandma do, Joe does them too. It’s sad and alarming to watch unfold.

During last night’s “victory speech” in Los Angeles, Biden confused his wife and his sister. He doesn’t even know who is standing next to him. He and his wife and sister tried to laugh it off, and Joe said “They switched on me! They switched on me!” No, Joe, they didn’t switch. They were standing in the same exact spot the whole time.

But it’s not just me that notices his “dementia,” we all do – even Mr. Sensible, Brit Hume sees it – and he’s worried that Joe has full-blown senility setting in.

You can watch the video below:

“There are two kinds of Biden gaffes,” he said. “There are the kinds he’s always made, and maybe this one tonight was one of those. He’s prone to that and always has been, no big deal. But more recently we have seen cases in which he didn’t know where he was.”

“Those are more disturbing because they suggest he may be non compos mentis, or at least, headed in that direction,” Hume concluded — the phrase meaning “not sane or in one’s right mind.”

Co-host Chris Wallace pointed to how things are “baked into the stock market,” to say, “I sorta feel that’s the way it is with voters and Joe Biden.”

“But how many other people voted for him tonight would agree that he’s senile? Or getting there?” Hume asked. “I think not many.” [Bizpacreview]

The left may think they can hide this senility problem that Joe has. They might think they can laugh it off and cover for him…but they can’t. It’s out there for the whole world to see and it’s alarming and sad and it should be discussed at length because this man is running for the highest office in the world.


This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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