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Report: Joy Behar Takes Leave of Absence From “The View”

By Missy Crane | March 13, 2020

Infamous Trump-hater and low-info political wannabe Joy Behar is taking a leave of absence from “The View.”

Cue the band!

Sadly, she’s not going away for good – Behar is scared of contracting the Chinese “Wuhan Coronavirus” so she’s leaving the show until things settle down.

Joy Behar is taking time off as a co-host of “The View” as a safety precaution against coronavirus, Variety has learned.

Behar, 77, announced her decision Thursday during a pre-taped episode of “The View” that will air Friday. Neither she nor any of the staff members that work on the ABC daytime talk show have tested positive for the coronavirus. But Behar has decided that she’s staying home for now — at the urging of her daughter — to keep herself safe from the threat of getting sick.

“I’m in a higher risk group because of my age, but I’m perfectly healthy,” Behar says on the show. “I don’t look my age, but I’m actually up there. The number makes me dizzy.”

Behar will not be on “The View” next week, and then she’ll decide when to return after that.

The remaining co-hosts of “The View” – which includes Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain and Sunny Hostin – will continue to appear on the talk show. This week, “The View” followed many other daytime and late-night programs that stopped allowing a live studio audience at tapings. [Variety [1]]

On yesterday’s show, Behar called for Trump to “resign” over the Coronavirus – as if it’s somehow his fault that this virus is wreaking havoc on the world. These women on The View are so nonsensical and such emotional windbags.

RELATED: [VIDEO] McCain Hopes Coronavirus Will Destroy Trump While Behar Calls For Him to Resign [2]

While the media is working overtime to whip people up into an absolute frenzy, the truth of the matter is that Trump is doing an amazing job handling CoronavirThank God, back when the Dems were trying to impeach him, he was working on this. In addition, he’s cutting red tape from Obama-era to get test kits ready.

In the meantime, Doctors are telling folks to avoid a lot of contact with others, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and take sips of liquid every 15 minutes to wash away any potential virus germs sitting in your throat.

If you do get sick, stay indoors, drink fluids, take pain relievers and monitor your temperature. If you have a fever make a doctor’s appointment.

But I’d suggest you avoid watching “The View,” it’ll just make you feel more awful.


This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.

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Report: Prince Harry Reveals His Agony With Meghan and Leaving Royal Family in Prank Call With Fake Greta Thunberg [4]
Report: Hunter Biden Skips Out on Child Support Court Appearance, Citing Coronavirus as His Excuse [5]
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