By Missy Crane | February 29, 2020

There’s a ridiculous new PR push from the climate cultists.

They want you and me to eat bugs.

Lots and lots of bugs.

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Everywhere you look now there’s a “cool” new article on why you should LOVE the idea of munching on cockroaches and tarantulas.

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Liberals will tell you that they taste great and they help “save the planet” too!

Go to hell, weirdos, I will never eat a bug.

It’s gotten so absurd that scientists are now creating crazy substitutes for our favorite foods.

The climate cultists are really targeting “cows.” They hate that we eat beef and dairy and claim that is a major reason why the planet will spontaneously combust in 8, 10, 12, or 15 years.

So, to rectify that super serious climate calamity, scientists have invented a “butter replacement” that is made from…are you ready for this…MAGGOT GREASE.


That’s right folks, you can wake up in the morning and spread a heaping dollop of bug butter on your earthworm-flour toast.

Doesn’t that sound scrumptious?

You can watch the video below:

I’m telling you, liberals will not be happy until they’ve turned the U.S. into a third-world country, complete with grass huts and bat soup.

Look, I’m all for treating the planet with respect and I do my reasonable and sane part every day – but if “saving the planet” literally means I have to live like a primitive cavewoman eating maggots and sleeping on dirt then I say “let it burn” and just enjoy the world before it all goes to hell.



This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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