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VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Used To Attack Healthcare Monopolies, Now She Takes Money From Them

By CD Media Staff | February 10, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Used To Attack Healthcare Monopolies, Now She Takes Money From Them
Screenshot Youtube

Now that impeachment is over, the focus will shift in the 2020 presidential campaign to kitchen table issues that voters really care about. Healthcare is front and center in that sandbox.

The Democrats are parroting the same line – medicare for all. Of course this will bankrupt the nation and is not realistic or sustainable, not that it matters to the Left.

On the other side of the coin, there are healthcare monopolies like the one CD Media reported on in January — Intermountain Healthcare, which has grown from the concept of a benevolent monopoly to a powerful force in the Mountain West, controlling up to 70% of healthcare lives, stifling choice for patients and running off doctors who don’t play by their rules.

The Monopolistic Healthcare Single Payer In Utah That Republicans Love [1]

As we mentioned in our last article on the subject — what is needed in healthcare is true capitalism…that is capitalism with the competition included.

Below you will see a short snippet of a documentary made on Intermountain Healthcare in the last decade showing their outrageous healthcare billing and collection practices at the time. Elizabeth Warren was front and center in the investigation and her comment are shown graphically in the clip (watch to the end).

Elizabeth Warren On Healthcare Monopolies

What is not commonly known is that Elizabeth Warren’s campaign now takes thousands of dollars from Intermountain Healthcare, and she is their top beneficiary. The ‘non-profit’ is now expanding aggressively into Nevada and other Western states. Is this a model America really wants to emulate?

Elizabeth says she wants better healthcare…does that include organizations that restrict patient choice of doctors, even in very hard to acquire and limited specialties for children?

In our opinion, the Trump administration needs to rip up our failing healthcare system (like Pelosi and the State of the Union) and start anew, with a plan that benefits patients and controls costs — it’s doable if one is willing to fight the monopolies.

Regarding Warren and her hypocrisy, below is the 2020 election campaign spending for Intermountain Healthcare from OpenSecrets.org.

CD Media would like to know where she really stands on the subject and will be directing this question to her campaign.

This piece originally appeared on CreativeDestructionMedia.com [3] and is used by permission.