By Taylor Day | February 2, 2020
2020 The Year of The Dead Terrorist…
…and President Trump is celebrating by playing golf.
President Trump is a brilliant Commander-in-Chief. Current government officials report [2] that a prospective leader of al Qaeda was killed in a January airstrike in Yemen. CNN [3] reported In 2017 that the austere religious scholar known as Qasim al-Rimi sent President Donald Trump a taunting message after the first military combat death occurred when Special Ops carried out a raid on Yemini al Qaeda compound.
The President is letting terrorist leaders around the world know that whoever wants to lead an extremist organization has about a two-month shelf life.
It’s like watching The Naked Gun film opening occur in real time and without the satire:
This is how you get entire terrorist groups to potentially cease operations: when nobody wants the job of heading them.
The latest surgical removal of a terrorist leader via drone was given priority after al-Rimi recently ramped up terrorism plots on U.S. soil.
Notable Democrats will probably be drafting their letters of complaints wondering why Trump again didn’t ask their permission, if they can find time away from their busy schedule of trying to impeach him.
While that attempt is failing [4], the deaths of al-Rimi, al-Baghdadi and Solemani could become the Democrats’ Impeachment 2.0. (Always pay attention to who gets upset when a terrorist leader is killed.)
Of course this makes a second loss for Democrats in one short week, but we know these things come in threes. And so it came on Friday when an Iraqi man who has been living in Arizona was arrested by authorities and believed to be a prominent figure of the Fallujah, Iraq chapter of al Qaeda.
The Department of Justice announced [5] that Ali Yousif Ahmend al-Nouri was detained on murder charges after orchestrating attacks in which two Iraqi police were killed in 2006. A joint raid was executed by the FBI Phoenix Field Office, HSI Phoenix Field Office and the U.S. Marshals Service.
The still-living austere scholar will probably be extradited to Iraq as the Iraqi government has issued arrest warrants [6] for al-Nouri and want him to face trial but only if requested by a U.S. magistrate and then subsequently approved by the State Department.
If you’re wondering how a foreign, high-tier terrorist made their way to Arizona, the answer is: He probably took a left at New Mexico.
Just last year a compound training terrorist cells in America was raided in New Mexico [7]. Five “refugees” were indicted on charges stemming from a “conspiracy to provide material support for terrorist attacks on federal officers and employees.”
Liberals were in hysterics over the news and took to Twitter to pause from crying about the President’s attempts to ban immigration from terror-prone areas and has made increasing border security a top priority of his administration to then blame an Iraqi terrorist being in the United States on… Trump.
- Iran’s Responses To ‘Deal Of The Century [9]’
- Debbie Aldrich Discusses The ‘Deal Of The Century’ With Tsionizm Editor Baruch Pletner [10]
This piece originally appeared on [11] and is used by permission.