By Missy Crane | February 7, 2020
Leaker and coup-plotter Alex Vindman has been removed from his post at the National Security Council by the Trump administration.
Vindman was the lead witness for the Schiff impeachment coup.
RT if you are thrilled to hear Vindman is no longer on the National Security Council!
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 7, 2020 [1]
You’ll recall, Vindman was the small-minded man who demanded that Rep. Devin Nunes refer to him as “Lt. Colonel Vindman” during his pointless testimony against President Trump.
.@repdevinnunes [3]: "Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower. "
Lt. Col. Alex Vindman: "Ranking Member, it's Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please."
Watch LIVE here: [4] [5]
— CSPAN (@cspan) November 19, 2019 [6]
Word came down that Vindman was on the chopping block at the NSC earlier today.
The White House on Friday dismissed Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman [7], whose testimony in the House impeachment hearings infuriated President Trump [8] and his allies, escorting him out of the complex just days after the Senate trial ended in acquittal, his lawyer said.
“There is no question in the mind of any American why this man’s job is over, why this country now has one less soldier serving it at the White House,” David Pressman, the lawyer, said in a statement. “Lt. Col. Vindman was asked to leave for telling the truth. His honor, his commitment to right, frightened the powerful.”
A person familiar with the situation said that Colonel Vindman’s twin brother, Yevgeny Vindman, also an Army lieutenant colonel who worked at the White House, was fired, as well. [New York Times [9]]
President Trump spoke out on Vindman today:
REPORTER: Would you like to see Alexander Vindman out of your White House?
TRUMP: Well I’m not happy with him. You think I’m supposed to be happy with him? I’m not. [10]
— JM Rieger (@RiegerReport) February 7, 2020 [11]
We need more of this.
There are a lot of leakers and #NeverTrumpers working for President Trump and these people need to all get their walking papers ASAP, including Vindman’s twin brother as well.
This piece originally appeared on [12] and is used by permission.
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