By Missy Crane | January 7, 2020

You know a story is going to be wild when it starts off with ‘Florida man” or “Florida woman.”

And this one’s no exception.

Sure those McNugget dipping sauces are good, but are they worth going to jail over?

Apparently, they are – at least for one 19-year-old Florida woman.

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It all started at around 4:00 am at a McDonald’s in Vero Beach, Fla., last week.

Maguire Marie Mclaughlin was “denied” free dipping sauce –  I guess an extra container costs 25cents.

She was so enraged over this, that she vowed to get her dipping sauce “by whatever means necessary.”


When police arrived they found Mclaughlin screaming profanities at the drive-thru staff because she claimed she did not receive all of her food…and that damn dipping sauce.

“The employee advised Mclaughlin that dipping sauce cost 25 cents,” read the police report from the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.

“Mclaughlin further stated that she would be getting the sauce by whatever means necessary, however, could not specify what she meant by that.”

The McDonald’s employees said they feared for their safety.

Mclaughlin was taken into custody for disorderly conduct. She needed to be placed into mechanical restraints by the arresting officers because she kept “locking her legs refusing to walk forward.”

Cops also said they smelled alcohol on her breath.

She was released later that day after posting bond. [The New York Post]

don’t know about you, but my favorite Chicken McNugget dipping sauce s honey mustard – and depending on the amount of McNuggets you order one container is not enough.

would have happily paid the 25 cents for an extra one.

Now, this woman will likely have to pay court fees and may wind up with some jail time or community service…all over a 25 cent dipping sauce.

There’s a life lesson here folks. Ether learn to eat your nuggets dry or pony up the quarter for your sauce!

This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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