By CD Media Staff | January 10, 2020

“Analysts have expressed concern that intensifying international pressure against Tehran will soon trigger a ‘diplomatic crisis.’

CNBC is apparently worried about too much international pressure on the murderous Mullahs in Iran for killing 176 innocent civilians on board a Ukraine International Airlines jet which Iran blew out of the sky in frustration over American pressure against the regime.

In a stunning headline today, CNBC declared, and we quote, “Analysts have expressed concern that intensifying international pressure against Tehran will soon trigger a “diplomatic crisis,” whatever that is.

In a separate article this morning, CNBC continued its campaign against Boeing, America’s number one exporter, who has suffered greatly after the twin crashes of its famed 737 MAX. CD Media is not condoning Boeing executive’s behavior but the piling on by American business media is getting out of hand.

Cherry-picking quotes from 100 pages of emails, CNBC chose to print, “This airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys.” Or, “Would you put your family on a MAX simulator-trained aircraft? I wouldn’t.” His coworker replied: “No.”

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Boeing employees and revenue have suffered enough. The CEO has been fired. It’s time to get one of America’s best companies up and running, and selling jets, again.

This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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