21) He’s always smiling ear to ear.

Shy guys often have trouble smiling because they are nervous, but if he’s smiling around you that means a lot. If you catch him out of the corner of your eye smiling at you, this guy likes you but he’s just not ready to show it yet. Stay open and inviting to encourage him to make the next move.

22) He stutters when he’s talking to you.

If the guy your talking to is shy, he may stutter or have difficulty getting the right words out. He may trip over his words, say things that don’t quite make sense, or blank out in the middle of sentence. To ease his shyness, simply shrug it off and ask him to repeat whatever he was saying.

23) He looks at you a lot but breaks eye contact.

If a guy likes you, he’s going to sneak in a lot of looks your way. But a shy guy is likely to check you out from afar rather than approach you directly.

24) He may change his appearance.

A shy guy will do anything to make you notice him. He may change his hairstyle or start dressing differently. He may have noticed what your friends are saying looks good or picked up on what you like on social media. Whatever it is, be sure to give him a compliment. It will boost his confidence and make it more likely that he’ll be brave enough to ask you out.