17) He’ll ask to be your friend on social media.

The neat thing about social media is that you don’t have to look someone in the eye to converse with them. So if this guy is following you on Twitter or Facebook, or commenting on your posts, he’s definitely into you.

18) His friends will tease you.

If his friends are whispering when you’re around or playfully teasing you, this is a good thing. It means their friend is discussing you with them. He likes you enough to tell them, but is still too shy to tell you.

19) He’ll step up to the plate to defend you.

Whether your friends are making fun of you, or another man is upsetting you, a shy guy will be quick to come to your defenses. This is a definite sign he just might be interested in you.

20) Holding the door open is his norm.

This goes back to the ancient days of chivalry where a man always put a woman first and makes sure she knows it with the little things. If he’s holding the door open for you, this is a sign of his efforts to connect with you.