9) He’ll try to impress you.

When a guy tries to impress you it’s a sign that he likes you. If you see a man trying to impress you and going the extra mile to do so, you can be sure that he’s crushing on you. He wants to make you feel special by impressing you and your opinion is highly important to him. He will dress up for you, offer to pay the bill, and drive you home, just to name a few.
10) He always texts first.

If he is the one that texts you first, it is a sign he’s interested in you and wants to be more than just your friend. By texting you he wants to know about your day and if you want to hang out with him. This may seem small, but it’s a huge leap for him. If you reject him it would hurt him more than you could ever imagine.
11) He tells his friends about you.

If you notice that his friends start calling you by name and asking how things are going, it means that he’s been telling his best buds about you. If he thinks enough of you to tell his friends about you, then you are one very special lady. He wants to show the rest of the world how amazing you are and hopes that they will like you as much as they do.
12) He wants to talk to you all the time.

If a guy wants to talk to you all the time, it’s a sign that something is going on. He’s in love with you but it’s too hard for him to admit that. So instead, he’ll try to prolong the talk sessions or call you on the phone frequently just to talk to you about anything he can think of.