5) He really listens to you.

In a larger group not everyone gets heard all the time, but he will never leave you talking to the wall. He will silence the other voices and listen only to you. You might not even realize he’s doing it, but he’s never going to ignore you under any circumstances. He want to listen to everything you say so he can get to know you better.
6) Your friends will become his friends.

He will likely find it easier to talk to people that are important to you rather than talking directly to you. So he’ll probably want to befriend your friends and get close to them. Being friends with your friends is a great way to get to spend time with you without having to actually ask you out on a real date. He probably is also hoping that your friends will put in a good word for him.
7) He gets jealous when you talk to other men.

Although he is too shy to talk to you, he doesn’t want you to give another man attention let alone talk to them. This isn’t a dangerous type of jealousy, just a jealousy that is related to his lack of confidence. He keeps his thoughts to himself, but you will notice how much his behavior changes when you mention another man’s name. Don’t ever make it a point to try to make him jealous on purpose either. It will always backfire.
8) He’ll buy you a drink.

Not only will he buy you a drink, but he’ll likely offer to buy you nearly anything you want. When a man likes a woman, he’ll do anything for them. So if buying something for you will make you happy, he’s on it. Some women take advantage of men like this, but a real woman who is wanting love will never ask a man for more than he can provide her with.