Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Spielberg is arguably the most famous and successful director of all time. He’s made dozens of movies, and for each one, he has a commemorative gun. According to a 2008 GQ Magazine interview with Shia LaBeouf, Spielberg has “the most ridiculous collection [of guns].” Continuing, LaBeouf said, “He’s got a gun for every movie he’s made. [He] gets them engraved. It takes like a year. He’s got the ‘Jaws’ gun; he’s got ‘E.T.’ He let me shoot with the ‘Jurassic Park’ gun. He just got his ‘Saving Private Ryan’ back from the engraver’s.”

Tom Selleck

Tom Selleck
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Tom Selleck, the TV icon, isn’t just a member of the NRA, he’s a board member. In fact, he has a special section in the NRA Museum dedicated to his many guns. In a heated interview on the ‘Rosie O’Donnell Show’ in 1999, he said, “What I’m talking about is, are we a responsible enough society, in terms of television, in terms of guns, in terms of everything else, to be this free? That should frame the debate. My answer, unfortunately, in this culture, is ‘probably not.’ But I’m going to go down with the civil liberties ship.” He then asked O’Donnell, “Do you really think the Second Amendment is in the Constitution to guarantee hunting and target shooting?”


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The mostly liberal rapper/actor is a staunch supporter of gun rights too. “The right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt,” he said. When people advocated for gun control following the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, he said, “If someone wants to kill people, they wouldn’t need a gun to do it … You can strap explosives on your body. They do that all the time.” Ice-T was criticized for the statement and tweeted in response, “My comment on guns got a lot of press. They call me ‘Gangster’ don’t forget ‘US Army Vet.'”