Stephen Stills

Stephen Stills
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Stills was greatly influenced by the areas he lived growing up, traveling around the globe with his father, who was in the military. You can see a lot of this influence in his music, with notes of blues and Latin coming through everything he does. At one time or another, he also played with most of the greats, from Jimi Hendrix to Ringo Starr and Eric Clapton. More than fifty years after his first album was released, he’s still going strong.

Emmylou Harris

Emmylou Harris
Image Credit: Shutterstock

When Emmylou Harris was five years old, her father was reported missing in action in Korea. After ten months as a prisoner of war, he was returned to the US. Emmylou began singing as a waitress in NYC, working as a waitress while she performed folk songs in Greenwich Village. Harris eventually had her break when she joined Gram Parsons on his first solo album as a vocalist, then was picked up after his death by Reprise Records for her own debut album “Pieces of the Sky.”

Michael Winslow

Michael Winslow
Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons

Winslow grew up on Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington, where his father, Robert, served. In order to pass the time, he would imitate the sounds of nearly anything that he heard. This unusual talent eventually won him his first appearance on “The Gong Show,” and led to his most famous role, Larvelle “Motor Mouth” Jones in the “Police Academy” series. Jones is the only character of the series that appeared in all seven films.