Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell
Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons

Kurt Russell is a Hollywood star and household name who also served in the California Air National Guard. The base that he served on has actually been nicknamed the Hollywood Air Force Base by other Air Force Bases in America because of the many actors who have worked there and the large number of films and TV shows that have been filmed on the location. The base shut down in 1985 as the Air National Guard looked for a new location, with the land returning to the city of Hollywood.

Rob Riggie

Rob Riggie
Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons

Rob Riggie is a famous American comedy actor and has appeared in many recent Hollywood comedy films, such as “21 Jump Street,” “The Hangover,” and “The Other Guys.” He was also a Marine, who joined the service in 1990 with the intent of getting a pilot’s license and becoming a naval aviator. He dropped out when his acting career took off, however he did actually become a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve and did a tour of duty to Iraq in 2007 to entertain troops as part of the USO.

George Reeves

George Reeves
Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons

George Reeves is most famous for his role as the titular character in “The Adventures of Superman.” He put his acting career on hold to enlist in the army during World War II. However the army put him into acting work, joining the special theatrical unit producing several training films on dangers such as venereal diseases. He returned back to Hollywood in 1946 and decided to focus on television where he became typecast in the Superman role.