Leonardo DiCaprio

Who can forget the legendary movie “Titanic,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio? Leonardo has held several roles since that groundbreaking performance, one of which he produced and acted in titled, “Before the Flood,” which supported his views on climate change. While there is controversy about the way his views appear, DiCaprio is a strong liberal who supported John Kerry in 2004 and President Obama in 2008 and is a working advocate voicing growing concerns on climate change. DiCaprio had plans to fundraise for Hillary Clinton but had to back out last minute due to conflicts in scheduling.
Mark Wahlberg

Funnyman and famous entertainer Mark Wahlberg is all about the kids and the environment. Whether he’s making you laugh on screen or filling your empty stomach at his family-owned burger joint burger joint franchise, Wahlburgers, Wahlberg regularly participates in charity work that ranges from helping the homeless to providing support to underprivileged youth. Mark is a registered Democrat whose political spending does not extend past the Democratic party; he provided donations to President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns.
Matt Damon

Matt Damon is best known for his incredible lead performance in the “Bourne” series, but his political views really caught everyone’s attention in 2008 when he decided to verbalize his disgust with Sarah Palin and her conservative views to the Associated Press. Damon is a known Democrat, supporting President Barack Obama and joining together with stars Ben Affleck and John Krasinski to host a 2012 fundraiser for nominee Elizabeth Warren during her Democratic campaign for Senate.