Mike Tyson

Image Credit: Mike Tyson, CC BY-SA 2.0, by Eduardo Merille

Mike Tyson has gone through quite a bit of drama and trauma in his life. His childhood was incredibly tumultuous and his adult life, although successful, was tainted with violence and jail time. He’s a devout Muslim and at the same time, a Republican. He has sometimes said very disparaging things about certain Republicans (Sarah Palin) but has also campaigned for Maryland Republican candidate for Senate, Lt. Governor, Michael Steele. Like most Conservatives, he feels that the welfare system is abused and taken advantage of and has praised private education over public education but once actually described Black Republicans as “sell-outs”. He’s a bit of an enigma.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Who can forget the legendary movie “Titanic,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio? Leonardo has held several roles since that groundbreaking performance, one of which he produced and acted in titled, “Before the Flood,” which supported his views on climate change. While there is controversy about the way his views appear, DiCaprio is a strong liberal who supported John Kerry in 2004 and President Obama in 2008 and is a working advocate voicing growing concerns on climate change. DiCaprio had plans to fundraise for Hillary Clinton but had to back out last minute due to conflicts in scheduling.

Dennis Rodman

Image Credit: ADEK BERRY / AFP / Getty

Dennis Rodman may prove to be an instrumental part of the denuclearization of North Korea. Who would have ever thought? Despite cultural differences and thousands of miles between them, Rodman and the current leader of North Korea, Kim Jung-un, have become the closest of friends. Rodman has publicly come out in support of Donald Trump and apparently, they’ve been friends for many years. He was quoted as saying, “We don’t need another politician, we need a businessman like Mr. Trump! Trump 2016.”